jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011


alguien le debería comentar que no me cabe para nada el suspenso.

martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

Puta que soy.

Jaja, debería tener un twitter para poner cosas tales como:
Hacer cosas de las que después te arrepentís.
Le voy a pedir una sesión intensiva de twitter a Dan Rivero así me hago one.

The lovers.

Up from the pastures of boredom
out from the sea of discontent
they come in packs like hungry hounds
the seekers of the dark enchantment.

They haunt the boulevards and bars
they pray to wishing wells and stars
they ride the hurricane of hope
not looking back but on they go
toward the distance and deceiving
and all the while they keep believing
that they are special and apart
the lovers, the lovers of the heart... the lovers.

And when they pair off two by two
they feel they are the chosen few
and though their beds are made of straw
they feel like velvet in the night
and so the night is never ending
it’s made of distance and pretending
because they’re special and apart
the lovers, the lovers of the heart... the lovers.

And when love goes away
and when goes...
catches in their throats like cotton
rises in their hearts like rain
the good times suddenly are all forgotten
the hunt begins again.

They search the subways and the streets
their faces tired, like their feet
their bodies aching to be warm
and so they hide behind the moon
their loneliness inside them growing
but they take comfort in just knowing
that they are special and apart

the lovers, the lovers of the heart... the lovers.

And when love comes again
and when love comes
rises from their throats like singing
catches in their hearts like wind
the good things
strangers in their arms are bringing
makes life all right again.

They turn their faces to the light
no longer hiding in the night
so unashamed and unafraid
that they can face each other’s faults
and though the waltz will have its ending
there is no harm in just pretending
that they are special and apart
the lovers, the lovers of the heart... the lovers.

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

To new beginnings, right?

Coming out of the darkness. New hopes, new dreams...

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah! Happiness!

This was everything I wanted. I didn't mind not getting outstanding grades in everything else. I wanted to do GREAT in Phonetics (my favourite subject and what I want to do for the rest of my life) and I surprisingly did. 10 10 10 10 10 10. A ten in the oral was the best thing that happened to me, it made me feel so happy. I haven't felt this happy in quite some time now and it's good to feel like this for a change. It's over for now. 9 subjects in and one to go in March! I'm on holidayyyyyyyyyy!

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011

Pe a jota a.

Quiero sacar las fotos de Voldemort del blog pero me da paja. Otra cosa que me da paja es estudiar Language en este preciso momento.

sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011

22nd I'm waiting for you and not for the reasons you might be thinking!

So, a week has gone by. I had four exams this week. I passed three: Grammar I, Lengua Castellana II and Literary Studies but I failed El Problema del Conocimiento, fucking good-for-nothing subject. If I had wanted to study Philosophy I fucking would have, you bitch! Nevermind, I'll do it in March, no big deal but it pisses me off. I have three more exams to go this week: Language I, Sujetos de la Educación and Phonetics I. I feel confident about the three of them but I have to study a lot. Goodbye.

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011


"It's so hard to come to terms with the fact that he doesn't care about you, that he has just forgotten you and he's moving on with someone else. I just can't let go :( But it's time and I have to. I need to understand it's over for him. I'm leaving him alone, I'm letting him go because that's what he wants. It breaks my heart but I can't deal with this anymore... I'm crushed. I have to accept he is over me, he does not love me... I'm letting go...."

-I hope my former English teacher Juli never sees this because she wrote it but it summarizes how I feel pretty well too. These past few days have been the worst. If I pass the subjects tomorrow, it will be a miracle and a dream come true.

sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011


(Del lat. indignatĭo, -ōnis).
1. f. Enojo, ira, enfado vehemente contra una persona o contra sus actos.

-Eso es lo que sentí hoy cuando vi la asunción.

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

I wish YOU a happy birthday.

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

Alexa Chung won the British Fashion Award, again.

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2011

Puto de mierda.