martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

HACE MUCHO QUE NO TENÍA UN DÍA ASÍ (in every fucking way).

MIERDA, ESTOY FELIZ. Pensé en escribir en inglés y después dije, voy a romper con la tradición por un día. Tengo ganas de llorar de felicidad y eso me deprime un toque, pero nada va a quitarme la alegría y la plenitud de hoy, al menos de hoy y de ayer a la noche. Fuck, fuck, fuck, you honestly have to fuck everything up, don't you Bro? Fuck you. I'm fucking sick, SHIT! I was having the greatest day I've had in a veeeeeeeeeery long time and now I'm not, and it didn't even last long. This has to be karma or something because I can't find any other explanation to it. Well, let's talk about the good things. Today Alexita (me) and Dan got together again finally, I haven't seen her in almost a year, it was fantastic. Today was Juli's birthday (former teacher of mine) HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING! I LOVE YOU! I had the most amazing day in a really really long time. 24 who would have tought? I'm dying to know you're boyfriend's gift! Like I said, I have to thank you about everything just everything, you're the reason why I got interested in English and I hope to become as good teacher and amazing person as you. You're everything Juli. And today! Today at the institude! Gosh, I had really forgotten how much I liked being there. How happy I used to be. I used to be happy.

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009

It's been two years lads!

Who the fuck would have tought? Right? Two fucking years.. 24/10/07 the best day of my life. Just as simple as that ♥. I still remember it as if it was yesterday, I was so fucking relaxed that day, it didn't feel real at least not until I was in the car and I saw the Luna Park, then it hit me and the only tought that came to my mind was 'holy fuck'. And later I lived the most amazing hour and a half of my life. What a glorious night for fuck's sake.

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

The most fucked up WF ever.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, what the fuck am I gonna do?

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009

Dangerous Animals.

It reminded me a lot of the 2007 afternoons.

17 at last.

Yeaaah, seventeen feels good. But today I feel as if I had a hangover. Dunno why I feel like shit. I would have love to get together with Puppy today, but I can hardly move. I'm so sorry Puppy.. I fucking love you. And I appreciate your friendship more than anything I must say.
Friday was good, the girls brought a cake to school. Then we had lunch at my house and went to P.E. My aunt came to my house later and in the evening my sister and Pauli came too, it was great. Altough I think I did too many things during the day and that's why I feel like shit today. I've realized that there will always be some people that disappoint and you never tought that they would, and some that surprise you in a good way, and you never tought they would.