martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

HACE MUCHO QUE NO TENÍA UN DÍA ASÍ (in every fucking way).

MIERDA, ESTOY FELIZ. Pensé en escribir en inglés y después dije, voy a romper con la tradición por un día. Tengo ganas de llorar de felicidad y eso me deprime un toque, pero nada va a quitarme la alegría y la plenitud de hoy, al menos de hoy y de ayer a la noche. Fuck, fuck, fuck, you honestly have to fuck everything up, don't you Bro? Fuck you. I'm fucking sick, SHIT! I was having the greatest day I've had in a veeeeeeeeeery long time and now I'm not, and it didn't even last long. This has to be karma or something because I can't find any other explanation to it. Well, let's talk about the good things. Today Alexita (me) and Dan got together again finally, I haven't seen her in almost a year, it was fantastic. Today was Juli's birthday (former teacher of mine) HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING! I LOVE YOU! I had the most amazing day in a really really long time. 24 who would have tought? I'm dying to know you're boyfriend's gift! Like I said, I have to thank you about everything just everything, you're the reason why I got interested in English and I hope to become as good teacher and amazing person as you. You're everything Juli. And today! Today at the institude! Gosh, I had really forgotten how much I liked being there. How happy I used to be. I used to be happy.

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