sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010


I love that word, I like the way it sounds, I like a lot of words actually. Ehm let's think, my mom likes the word 'yet' yes, she likes it. I like, well, most of the words I really like are the words that sound different, special and peculiar when you say them with british pronunciation, like 'forward' or 'turn' or 'shattered'. And I like weird words like 'tantrum', 'squabble', 'ruckus', etc. I dunno why I'm talking about this. I have one more day off. Which I find great. I hate holidays, mostly because everyone fucking forgets about you, and during holidays is when you realize which friends are worth it (I'm talking about classmate-friends) and which aren't and you also realize that there is only one or two that are truly worth it and that is depressing. And you feel like murder everyone and I don't want to have that kind of thoughts. But yes, usually you'll find true friends outside school. No kidding.

1 comentario:

  1. I'm sorry, but I saw the mistake and I have to explain it you:

    And you feel like murder everyone and I don't want to have that kind of thoughts.

    Actually, it's feel like murdering. The verb goes in -ing after the preposition like.

    Yeah, well, I want to start LV again, although that means I ought to study hard. But I know how much you hate holidays, so I'm glad that you're finally starting lessons on Monday! This year will be unforgettable!

    I love you so f much, Pup!
