jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Seize the day. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.

 I'm lazy. But it's ok, I manage in my own lazyness. I do everything I'm supposed to do and all (almost every time) but I want to do more and I feel bad because I think that I don't make a difference the way I should. I'm too tired, that's my problem. For example, I don't want to go to LV tomorrow and it will be ok because I always go but I'm going to go anyway because I'm trying to do more things even though going to an El Problema del Conocimiento lesson won't change the world. Fucking me.
 I'm really into my Literary Studies lessons, they are brilliant. I hate being there alone surrounded by, let's say, not the people that I want to be surrounded by (I'm not talking about everybody, I like some of the girls). But my Thursdays are not so terrible in the end because I love the subject, Pedagogy was shit because I wasn't crazy about it and it wasn't all that good (at the beginning since I ended up loving it in the end).
 I'm off to read if I don't want to make a fool of myself tomorrow. Goodbye.

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