martes, 29 de diciembre de 2009

More money, less grief.

I think this is the second time that one of my entries is named like this. Today I went out with my Puppy and she gave me The Metros cd, which I complete adore and fell in love with immediatly, it's the best thing I've heard in a long time and it reminded me that I'm complete crazy about you lads. It's a fucking shame that you split up. Pup, I had a wonderful time today, it was a laugh. Thank you for everything, for being an amazing friend and a great person. Love you.

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2009

Skin and bones.

I love holidays. I used to hate them because I was so bored all the time but now, even when I'm bored I love them, it's probably because I remember that during the year I have to work extremely hard. Now, I have time to draw a tree in my bedroom wall if I wanted to. Today I ironed some clothes, insane right? But I had free time ahaha. And tomorrow, I'm going out with my Puppy. I can't wait.
Everything else (love) is going great, I'm happy and I can't believe it. Me and the word commitment just don't go together. But I might have changed, mmm it's not change, it's grow up. Gosh, this is so weird and fantastic.
I'm just skin and bones.

viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2009

Merry Christmas.

Lovely, today was better than yesterday I think aahha, with the Pacheco family, but the 24th was really nice too, I got a bit drunk ahaha talking with Eze at 4 in the morning was so funny. I had a good time luckily. I love my new Complot glasses! I hope you all had a great time.


Happy birthday honey, you're the person I most admire in this world. I love you aunt of my heart ♥

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009

Sister darling.

What a wonderful night Sis, just amazing. It really made my day, besides the 22nd was a great day for other reasons too. Horrible number actually but well, no matter. I'm happy, it's weird, so fucking weird. But I'm thrilled.

"The day after you stole my heart, everything I touched told me it would be better shared with you".

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009

I ♥ Morelli.

I passed Math! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, summer here I come! Haha, the test was extremely difficult. How the fuck I managed to pass it? No idea, but the great thing's that I did. It's been an amazing day, Then E came and we had a fantastic time, I'm so happy.

sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009


For all the effort you've done, I'm quite proud of you brother. You passed Math and P.E all in december, which is great, and now you're completely free. Now, do I really have to be that short? No, the thing is that my brother's really tall. Because I'm 17 and he's 15! I'm two years older that him, can you believe that? And we don't look much alike. But I love you even when you're a pain in the neck.

viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

The day after a triumph is as hollow as the day after a tragedy.

I got a 9,50 in the written exam, and a 10 in the oral. I could've done better in both, in the written part I made really stupid mistakes that I wouldn't have done if I wasn't so nervous, so I don't care much about that. And in the oral, I was about to break down, my hands were sweating and my legs were shaking (I know I'm insane), I got stuck a couple of times, I could have done it a bit better, but I talked a lot. The night wasn't that great, he fucked up for the first time, and I remembered things I shouldn't've. We both cried.. which was a bit awkward to be honest. But in the end, things are going quite normal, and nice. I'm a bit pissed about what happened, but as everyone says: Let bygones be bygones.
-A fun picture in order to forget about the shit. That's the night of my seventeenth birthday with Caro, how fun.

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

What a sexy afternoon for fuck's sake. I'm happy, dunno why. The great thing is that everytime I'll walk into my room, I'll see the image. Lovely. Today's tuesday.. 90210 is on tonight. And I'll keep on studying math, and oh fuck, I have to study for the english oral exam. It's in two days. I'm nervous without reasons, but I am.

If his whisper splits the mist, just think of what he's capable of with his kiss.

domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

H is for happy? Maybe for honest too.

I think I am.. Happy. It's weird since I haven't been happy in quite some time now, so I can't recognize the feeling that well, but I think this is happiness finally. And it is combined with honesty. Just weird, and cool.
Today was my english final exam. I'm nervous, I must have done great, but I'm always nervous. No, maybe I did terrible. I'd better stop thinking about it. Shit, and I still have the oral on the 17th. And math the 21st. Fucking december. Anyway, I'm in 3ro de Ciencias Naturales now, and it feels great.

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009


Male querida. No quiero que te vayas, pero esta bien. Terminaste un ciclo y me diverti muchisimo con vos. Eras lo unico que me levantaba el ánimo en los días de depresión total. Ídolaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
PS: Maca's found herself a bloke.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

It was a very Puppy thursday.

I had a really good time today honey! It was really nice, fun and beautiful. We hadn't seen each other for so long! Let me tell you that today I read the first page of the book you gave me and I'm already in love with it, what a lovely vocabulary! It's amazing, thank you sooo much. I hope we meet again soon. I'm going to do my biology TP.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009


Skins is being repeated on MTV. Today's chapter: Cassie.
I'm so fucking tired. I don't want to study anymore. Thursday please come quick! So that I can meet my Puppy!
PS: Math-December. FUCK. (It's the only one at least).

sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

A is for Alexa.

My top ten Alexa looks.
I'm feeling fine today, we have to do a fucking geography essay in groups for monday, which means that we have to go to Capo's house tomorrow, which also means that we're going to do nothing all day. I'm wearing a sleevless shirt and I'm cold. (One of my fav looks is this last one.)

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

Wonderful night.

I'm speechless. It was amazing. Jason you were lovely, the sound was incredible, I was very close (i didn't think it was that closer), the band was great. Everything was amazing. I had one of the best nights I've had in a long time. You first sang the first song I heard of you and you're last song was my favourite one. Thank you so much.
PS: I didn't go to school today, but I have to go to in the afternoon in order to have a test. I'm so happy.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

One look sends it coursing through the veins, oh how the feeling races!

And I had to see you on tuesday, right? Just one look to ruin my week, and that was just the beginning of it. Then I have to stand the lovely couple at school every fucking day. And last but not least, I had a fight with the other twat, because he said the most cruel things my ears had ever heard. Just pathetic. But I'm still trying to get up in the morning, looking myself in the mirror and not comitting suicide. HAHA, just kidding, I would never do such thing. Why can't something nice.. not even nice, something normal happen to me? I just wonder. But well, I think I don't have one reason to be happy nowadays. I hope the reasons start to come soon.

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

Fabulous PH!

It was an amazing night. 31st of october. I haven't posted in quite some time, the integradoras are coming. I'm off to bed.