jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

I'm Cheerful.

Realmente tuve un leve ataque de locura hoy, estaba muy alegre HAHA.
Muuy alegre. Y usualmente I'm not a happy, glowy person, but hoy sí lo era. Lo más gracioso era que tenía lección oral de Historia con Miss Bacchetta (adición: No sé si conocen mi odio por Historia, es más grande que mi odio por la mayonesa) bueno, y toma toda las clases Bacchetta, resulta que bueno no había estudiado porque no quería, ni siquiera porque no tenía ganas, era porque no quería. Jaja, y se lo iba a decir textual porque no había razón por la cual no me tomara, y yo estaba tan pero tan feliz que quería el 1, estaba totalmente predispuesta para ese preciado 1 y no me tomó. Así que fue un día perfecto, después prueba de Física que me fue tan bien que ya estaba en estado de éxtasis mas o menos HAHA la Corkhill hoy dios, extrañana el "Vayan a pastorear" de siempre, estaba alegre hoy la Corkhill también y Química, mi hermosa Química que por fin la profesora se puso las pilas y la clase de hoy estuvo bien piola, y nos meamos con las siglas de la IUPAC como siempre (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), igual extraño a Montes haciéndose la que hablaba bien en inglés y diciendo las siglas de la IUPAC. Hoy, yo creo que lleguéme tomé un té y palmé HAHA, fue tan alegre el día que tenía un sueño atómico. Y mañana a lo de la Chávez bien piola va a estar.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009


the FUN is in not knowing

Anticipation has a habit to set you up for disappointment in evening entertainment but, tonight there'll be some love tonight there'll be a ruckus yeah regardless of what's gone before. I want to see all of the things that we've already seen, I want to see you take the jackpot out the fruit machine And put it all back in you've got to understand that you can never beat the bandit no. And she won't be surprised, no she won't be shocked when she's pressed the star after she's pressed unlock and there's verse and chapter sat in her inbox and all that it says is that you've drank a lot.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

With a little help from my friends.

What would you think if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song,
And I'll try not to sing out of key.
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
I get high with a little help from my friends
I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends
What do I do when my love is away?
(Does it worry you to be alone?)
How do I feel by the end of the day?
(Are you sad because you're on your own?)
No, I get by with a little help from my friends
I get high with a little help from my friends
I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends.
Salí para la gomaaa. Eugi, Toli las quiero.

domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

Can't read my..

I'm running out of pictures haha. Well, it's been quite a week, nice, but weird. Ahaha as usual. I've been watching The Brits this past few days, they're nice, I got a bit pissed because my puppets didn't win a brit but they were ok, I have a complaint to do, what's up with Duffy? I mean I like some of her songs (three or so) but give me a break, she's dull, her album is dull, she deserves a few awards but the rest she doesn't deserve them. It's all cool, tough. Then, I adore Brandon Flowers when he sang with the Pet Shop Boys and Lady Gaga, the thing is I love Brandon, he's a very good-looking fella but I do not like The Killers, so I never get to say that. Ehm, The Pet Shop Boys ahaha amazing they were, I don't like them but they were great. Let's see the Girls Aloud, they were cool too, I like that song The Promise. Well, Coldplay I never liked Coldplay and I think their album sucks, that's all. I liked The Ting Tings and Estelle, their performance was nice, well Take That I never liked Take That but their performance was brilliant too. U2 I forgot, I really do hate U2 but they were nice, I'm probably forgetting some of the live performances.. Never mind. Then you chaps, James and B.. something with B, you really do have that non-funny British humour, but you and Kylie weren't that boring I had some fun. I spoke my piece but actually I liked The Brits, they were innovative. Good night, sleep well, eat supper and dream about something. Good night everyone.

Can't read my, Can't read my
No, he can't read my Poker Face.

sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Some women I admire.

Alexa Chung
Shanae Grimes
Jessica Stroup
Jessica Lowndes

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

martes, 21 de abril de 2009

Hate him but Love him ♥

All I know is that you're so nice,
You're the nicest thing I've seen.
I wish that we could give it a go,
See if we could be something.
I wish I was your favourite girl,
I wish you thought I was the reason you are in the world.
I wish my smile was your favourite kind of smile,
I wish the way that I dressed was your favourite kind of style.
I wish you couldn't figure me out,
But you always wanna know what I was about.
I wish you'd hold my hand when I was upset,
I wish you'd never forget the look on my face when we first met.
I wish you had a favourite beauty spot that you loved secretly,
'Cos it was on a hidden bit that nobody else could see.
Basically, I wish that you loved me,
I wish that you needed me,
I wish that you knew when I said two sugars, actually I meant three.
I wish that without me your heart would break,
I wish that without me you'd be spending the rest of your nights awake.
I wish that without me you couldn't eat,
I wish I was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep.
All I know is that you're the nicest thing I've ever seen;
And I wish we could see if we could be something.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009


Son tres genias. Me voy a estudiar, la concha de la lora. I'm happy.

sábado, 18 de abril de 2009


Why you being a dickhead for?
Stop being a dickhead
Why you being a dickhead for?
You're just fucking up situations

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009


Me tengo que grabar eso en la cabeza. No impulsivity. Nooo. Tengo hambre, huelo olor a comida, quiero comer. Estoy pissed very pissed. My father and his son, both of them, ate my chocolate bunny, THEY ATE IT. And I carefully did not eat it all at once because I wanted to eat a bit everyday and they ate it. And I don't have it anymore, so I got pissed and I said some things that I shouldn't have said and now I have to behave If I want to go out on friday. I hate behaving. What does a girl have to do to have a fucking point of view?????? A fucking opinion?? HA? But I'm relaxed, I'm trying at least. I'm happy, tough.

viernes, 10 de abril de 2009

I'm feeling sassy.

It's coming. Haha, I don't know what will happen that night. And I really don't want to start thinking about it, I'll see everyone I haven't seen for the past year and a half and not only everyone but also everyone I don't want to see. But like I said, I'm not thinking, let's think about that 2 minutes before we go out that night sis. This four days are heaven I'm starting my day at 1 p.m. Lovely.

martes, 7 de abril de 2009

Je m'appelle...



1-You won't fall for the first bloke you meet.
2-You'll stop suffering for that moron you like.
3-You won't fall for anyone in 3rd year.
4-You won't fall for any relative.
5-You won't let emotional-crisis control your body.
6-You won't die everytime you see him.
7-You won't show him that you are interested in him.
8-You'll function by racionality and not by passion.
9-You'll act on the most uninterested and normal way everytime you see him.
10-You won't spend more time with him than with your friends.
11-You won't talk all the time about him.
12-Extermin whoever you can.

I'll explain, this is a bit funny. Well, my friend Caro and I created this kind of organisation for typical girls. I'm honestly not in it (perhaps just a bit but i'm that kind of girl who gives a shit about blokes and get over things quickly) but most girls aren't like that, and as a result we have a lot of people with problems. We did this for a laugh only, to remind us women how pathetic we can sometimes be. But the thing is, don't get depressed girls, there are hundreds of men there and you are here suffering for one? Live happy, you'll get thousands.

sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

Hablando de la entrada anterior. Que paja que soy. Bueno che no es tanto para mí sino para las/os lectoras/es. Puppy te extraño muuuucho. Sister thanks for the great advice, I love you. Ro: Toli te quiere, Toli te cuida. Quiero un gorrito coya con pompones en las puntas.
PD: Nadal te odio y el otro día Delpo te ganó y se lo merecía puto. Roger, mmm Roger yo no te tenía así, oshea rompiendo raquetas? What is this? Nunca te quise mucho pero siempre te respeté no como a Nadal, Rogelio controlate, pero bueno jugaste para la goma y mi peque te ganó, Nole estoy orgullosa de vos. Murray te odio con toda mi alma, por ganarle a Delpo sos un culo roto. Igual mi Nole te va a romper el ojete tomorrow.
PD2: Me disculpo por mi impulsividad.
PD3: It's not our fault Sister.
PD4: Puppy I really miss you.
Con amor, Maca.

viernes, 3 de abril de 2009

2nd Part.

1-Alex Turner
2-Nick O'Malley

3-Jason Mraz

4-Jamie Bell

5-Saul Adamczweski

1st Part.

6-Hugh Laurie (como House)
7-Novak Djokovic

8-Patrick Dempsey

9-Michael C. Hall (como Dexter)

10-Paul McCartney

jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

Wednesday Night.

Ayer en lo de pito, en conmemoración de su cumpleaños number 16. Estubo buenísimo, igual mi secuencia fue así: Salgo de mi casa a las 7 para ir a inglés hasta las 9 ¬¬, luego me voy a lo de pito, bueno llego y estaban pitín y toli y nos quedamos en la puerta (eran tipo nine thirty) hacía frío así que nos quedamos hasta las 10 y después entramos, comimos las cosas que se suelen comer en los cumpleaños papitas/chizitos (i hate)/panchos/pizzetas/y derivados. De mientras que llegaba toda la muchachada. Estubo bien piola. Después jugamos al "I Never" que estubo más bueno aún.
Tengo una duda existencial: estubo va con B o con V?
Bueno y hoy una mierda, iba a ver a mi puppy y terminé llendo obligada a una meeting con mi tía, mi mamá y oooooh si y el rompeconcha de mi hermano. Estubo bien, lástima mi hermano. Me voy a tomar algo, tengo frío.