viernes, 30 de enero de 2009


I'm fine. An aura of fineness surrounds me. And I'm leaving tomorrow and I really need ten days of peace and quiet. This will be pretty much my last entry until I get back. It's raining fuck. I'll miss you puppy!

miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009


Siento el aire que esperaba, siento el agua que empieza a correr. No necesito más nada sólo que me quieras dar un poco de paz. Es un tipo de sentimiento que no puedo explicar, así es como yo estoy hoy, esto es lo que pasa. Siento que el tiempo hoy no para, siento la calma que intenta volver. No necesito más nada sólo que me quieras dar un poco de paz. Preciso un tiempo de transición, un tiempo en que lo malo es mejor. Es el momento, es la situación, me enriedo en este bello juego. Me entrego a esta nueva sensación.

Turner, Alexander David.

In my imagination you're wating lying on your side with your hands between your thigs.

lunes, 26 de enero de 2009

Four Days.

Let's write today. It's my last week of doing nothing. I'm leaving on saturday and I'm loving it, I want to go away and have 10 beautiful days of relax and joy. I like all the previous excitement, the suitcase, the journey, the food, the photographs, the gas stations ahaha and all that kind of things. I'm meeting some of the girls this week because I won't see them until I'm back so it will be great. I'm so sick of the computer (for real) I can't stand it.. Before I wanted to be all the time in it now I don't. Dunno why but I just want to lay in bed watch movies and read books HAHA. I am awkard indeed. Well, actually I didn't wanted to write because I wanted the last entry to last forever but it can't last forever, it was beautiful anyway. I'm excited, preparing everything for my holidays and I want to get the hell out of here.
You got control of everyone's eyes. Including mine.

viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

Well, yeah /makeupalone must feel very good because I'm making her pictures globally known. Haha, actually nobody except Puppy and Ayeem enters my blog so I don't think that should be a problem. Haha. I don't think I'll take care of my beautiful blog tomorrow because tomorrow's a busy day so I'm taking care of it today. Basicly the whole purpose of this entry was to show Alex's new look sort of speaking. Which looks lovely in him as usual, he already had his messy hair as long as now but I think that he changed his hairdresser and his conditioner because now it looks so great on him, don't get me wrong I really liked his long hair before but it wasn't that flattering, now it looks great. His whole style looks great. I love the way he dresses now, and I loved the way he dressed before too. And if you're wondering about the first picture I must say, yes I'm jealous of Alexa, who isn't? But let's face it, they are great for each other and the picture is so cute. The first time I saw it I almost start crying because I haven't seen they kissing before, not kissing directly but yeah almost kisses, I never wanted to see an actual kiss, and I saw this photograph and it was cute, sad at first, but cute because I got to see the tender Alex, the corny Alex, the happy Alex and that is the most important thing ever.

Happy Birthday Sister!

Aaaaaah. Ya tenés 16 pequeña. Hice una recopilación con mis fotos favoritas ajaja. Caro que día importante, como vos ya sabés sos una de las mejores personas que conozco y una de mis personas favoritas. Dulce, cariñosa, muy inteligente, hermosa, buena persona, y muchas otras cualidades, esa ESA es mi hermana. La que siempre está ahí para escucharme, aconsejarme. Y con la que me cago de risa por teléfono todos los días. Ai Caro si supieras lo mucho mucho que te quiero. Nuestra amistad es una de las cosas más importantes que tengo y siempre lo va a ser. Hoy, pasala genial porque más que nadie te lo merecés Sis. TE AMO .

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

I loved our chat yesterday.
Well let the geek in the pink take a stab at it, if you like the way I'm thinkin' baby wink at it. I may be skinny at times but I'm fat full 'a rhymes pass me the mic and I'm a grab at it, well isn't it delicious crazy way that i'm kissin' this baby listen to this don't wanna miss it while it's hittin' sometimes you gotta fit in to get in but don't ever quit cuz soon i'm gonna let you in.

Chris Garver♥

martes, 20 de enero de 2009

I didn't know what to write, I'm still thinking, aaha oh yeah. You know when you feel completly out of place? Well that happened to me yesterday at night while we were eating. Everyone was eating this watermelon drink (completly awful) and they were critisizing me because I don't like anything they eat. But give me a break, who the fuck likes watermelon??? It's awful, and then they (my mom, my dad and my brother) made a bet on me, so if I drank some of that awful drink my mom would give me $5 but you can't convince me with money, so it took a while and then she said that if I drank she'll buy on saturday a couple of pronto shakes and dr. lemons to take to my aunt's house, and I'm not an alcoholic but I love dr. lemons (my mom does not know that) ahahaa, and yes she convinced me with alcohol. I tried not to spit it out and I didn't but I was very close to. So that's my story people.

Feliz Cumple Agus

Je ne t'aime plus Mon amour Je ne t'aime plus Tous les jours Parfois j'aimerais mourir Tellement j'ai youlu croire Parfois j'aimerais mourir Pour ne plus rien avoir Parfois j'aimerais mourir Pour plus jamais te voir Je ne j'aime plus Mon amour Je ne t'aime plus Tous les jours Parfois j'aimerais mourir Tellement Y'a plus d'espoir Parfois j'aimerais mourir Pour plus jamais te revoir Parfois j'aimeris mourir Pour ne plus rien savoir Je ne t'aime plus Mon amour Je ne t'aime plus Tous les jours...

lunes, 19 de enero de 2009

Well is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as your sliding off your dress?
Well then think of what you did. And I hope to god he was worth it.
When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as you're fingers touch your skin.
I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch... a better fuck
than any boy you'll ever meet. Sweetie you had me.
Girl I was it look past the sweat, a better love deserving of
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat?
no no no you know it will always just

sábado, 17 de enero de 2009

Broken Hearts Are For Assholes.

5 days Sisterrrrrrrrrrrr!

Bobby Brown yeah.

Hey there, people, i'm They say i'm the cutest boy in town My car is fast, my teeth is shiney I tell all the girls they can kiss my heinie Here i am at a famous school I'm dressin' sharp 'n' i'm Actin' cool I got a cheerleader here wants to help with my paper Let her do all the work 'n' maybe later i'll rape her Oh god i am the american dream I do not think i'm too extreme An' i'm a handsome sonofabitch I'm gonna get a good job 'n' be real rich (get a good Get a good Get a good Get a good job)Women's liberation Came creepin' across the nation I tell you people i was not ready When i fucked this dyke by the name of freddie She made a little speech then, Aw, she tried to make me say when She had my balls in a vice, but she left the dick I guess it's still hooked on, but now it shoots too quick Oh god i am the american dream But now i smell like vaseline An' i'm a miserable sonofabitch Am i a boy or a lady...i don't know which (i wonder wonder Wonder wonder) So i went out 'n' bought me a leisure suit I jingle my change, but i'm still kinda cute Got a job doin' radio promo An' none of the jocks can even tell i'm a homo Eventually me 'n' a friend Sorta drifted along into s&m I can take about an hour on the tower of power' long as i gets a little golden shower Oh god i am the american dream With a spindle up my butt till it makes me scream An' i'll do anything to get ahead I lay awake nights sayin', thank you, fred! Oh god, oh god, i'm so fantastic! Thanks to freddie, i'm a sexual spastic And my name is Bobby Brown Watch me now, i'm goin down, And my name is Bobby Brown Watch me now, i'm goin down, And my name is Bobby Brown Watch me now, i'm goin down....

Thanks Dad ♥

viernes, 16 de enero de 2009


Cinema tonight.

Jeffrey Sebelia♥

I always stood up for you Jeff. And besides Jeffrey is one of my favourite names (que tenía que ver?). And Harrison is lovely.

jueves, 15 de enero de 2009

I'm a walking contradiction.

Do as I say not as I do because the shit so deep you can't run away, I beg to differ on the contrary I agree with every word that you say, talk is cheap and lies are expensive my wallet's fat and so is my head, hit and run and then I'll hit you again I'm a smart-ass but I'm playing dumb.

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

Las extrañaré muchachas ♥

Cuando volvamos todas de las vakéiyons nos veremos.